2022-02-16 12:58:01 +01:00
# Set Session Name
SESSIONEXISTS=$(tmux list-sessions | grep $SESSION)
# Only create tmux session if it doesn't already exist
if [ "$SESSIONEXISTS" = "" ]
# Start New Session with our name
tmux new-session -d -s $SESSION
# Name first Pane and start zsh
tmux rename-window -t 0 'Main'
# Create and setup pane for running the backend
# tmux send-keys -t 'Main' 'bash' C-m 'clear' C-m 'cd backend && go build -o backend . && ./backend' C-m
tmux send-keys -t 'Main' 'cd backend && go build -o backend . && ./backend' C-m
# Create and setup pane for running the backend
tmux split-window -h 'cd frontend && npm run dev'
# Create an horizontal pane for terminal commands
2022-02-17 13:56:47 +01:00
tmux split-window -vf -l 1
2022-02-16 12:58:01 +01:00
tmux send-keys 'emacs backend/main.go &' Enter
# Attach Session, on the Main window
tmux attach-session -t $SESSION:0