session.go 9.7 KB

  1. package session
  2. import (
  3. "bytes"
  4. "encoding/json"
  5. "fmt"
  6. "os"
  7. "strings"
  8. ""
  9. ""
  10. ""
  11. ""
  12. ""
  13. ""
  14. btTable ""
  15. tea ""
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. ""
  19. ""
  20. ""
  21. ""
  22. ""
  23. ""
  24. ""
  25. ""
  26. ""
  27. ""
  28. ""
  29. )
  30. type SessionModel struct {
  31. // UI
  32. form *form.Model
  33. viewport *viewport.Model
  34. table *table.Model
  35. group *group.Model
  36. help help.Model
  37. statusBar *statusbar.Model
  38. spinner spinner.Model
  39. // Layout
  40. document *layout.Layout
  41. // Key bindings
  42. bindings *keyBindings
  43. // file store
  44. store *file.SessionFileStore
  45. result []any
  46. // json
  47. FilteredJson string
  48. InputJson string
  49. Result string
  50. // session
  51. session *models.Session
  52. // markdown
  53. mdRenderer *glamour.TermRenderer
  54. // filter file
  55. scriptFilePath string
  56. state int
  57. }
  58. type keyBindings struct {
  59. group *group.Model
  60. quit, enter key.Binding
  61. }
  62. func (k *keyBindings) ShortHelp() []key.Binding {
  63. keys := make([]key.Binding, 0)
  64. current :=
  65. switch item := current.(type) {
  66. case *viewport.Model:
  67. keys = append(
  68. keys,
  69. item.KeyMap.Up,
  70. item.KeyMap.Down,
  71. )
  72. }
  73. keys = append(
  74. keys,
  75. k.quit,
  76. )
  77. return keys
  78. }
  79. func (k keyBindings) FullHelp() [][]key.Binding {
  80. return [][]key.Binding{
  81. {
  82. k.quit,
  83. },
  84. }
  85. }
  86. func newBindings(g *group.Model) *keyBindings {
  87. return &keyBindings{
  88. group: g,
  89. quit: key.NewBinding(
  90. key.WithKeys("esc"), key.WithHelp("esc", "Quit app"),
  91. ),
  92. enter: key.NewBinding(
  93. key.WithKeys("enter"), key.WithHelp("enter", "Quit app and return the results"),
  94. ),
  95. }
  96. }
  97. func New(path string, stdin string) *SessionModel {
  98. form := form.New(
  99. form.WithGroups(huh.NewGroup(
  100. huh.NewInput().
  101. Title("Session name").
  102. Description("Enter the name of the session"),
  103. )))
  104. form.
  105. WithShowHelp(false).
  106. WithTheme(huh.ThemeDracula())
  107. viewport := viewport.New()
  108. table := table.New(table.WithRelWidths(20, 30, 30, 20))
  109. table.Model.SetColumns([]btTable.Column{
  110. {Title: "Token", Width: 20},
  111. {Title: "Lastname", Width: 20},
  112. {Title: "Firstname", Width: 20},
  113. {Title: "Class", Width: 20},
  114. })
  115. help := help.New()
  116. group := group.New(
  117. group.WithItems(form, table, viewport),
  118. group.WithLayout(
  119. layout.New(
  120. layout.WithStyles(&layout.Styles{Container: lipgloss.NewStyle().Padding(1, 0, 1, 0)}),
  121. layout.WithItem(form),
  122. layout.WithItem(tiled.New(table, viewport)),
  123. ),
  124. ),
  125. )
  126. bindings := newBindings(group)
  127. statusBar := statusbar.New(bindings)
  128. s := spinner.New(
  129. spinner.WithStyle(
  130. lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("265"))),
  131. )
  132. s.Spinner = spinner.Dot
  133. header := header.New(
  134. header.WithContent(
  135. lipgloss.NewStyle().
  136. Bold(true).
  137. Border(lipgloss.NormalBorder(), false, false, true, false).
  138. Render("✨ Create session ✨"),
  139. ),
  140. )
  141. document := layout.New(
  142. layout.WithStyles(&layout.Styles{Container: lipgloss.NewStyle().Margin(1)}),
  143. layout.WithItem(header),
  144. layout.WithItem(group),
  145. layout.WithItem(statusBar),
  146. )
  147. renderer, err := glamour.NewTermRenderer(
  148. glamour.WithStandardStyle("dracula"),
  149. glamour.WithWordWrap(80),
  150. )
  151. if err != nil {
  152. panic(err)
  153. }
  154. return &SessionModel{
  155. form: form,
  156. table: table,
  157. viewport: viewport,
  158. group: group,
  159. statusBar: statusBar,
  160. spinner: s,
  161. document: document,
  162. mdRenderer: renderer,
  163. bindings: bindings,
  164. help: help,
  165. scriptFilePath: path,
  166. InputJson: stdin,
  167. }
  168. }
  169. func (m *SessionModel) Init() tea.Cmd {
  170. var cmds []tea.Cmd
  171. cmds = append(cmds,, m.loadStore(), m.spinner.Tick)
  173. return tea.Batch(cmds...)
  174. }
  175. func (m *SessionModel) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
  176. var cmds []tea.Cmd
  177. switch msg := msg.(type) {
  178. case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
  179. m.handleWindowSize(msg)
  180. case tea.KeyMsg:
  181. switch {
  182. case key.Matches(msg, m.bindings.quit):
  183. m.FilteredJson = ""
  184. return m, tea.Quit
  185. case key.Matches(msg, m.bindings.enter):
  186. m.marshalJSON()
  187. return m, tea.Quit
  188. }
  189. case storeLoadedMsg:
  190. cmds = append(cmds, m.handleStoreLoaded(msg))
  191. case scriptExecutedMsg:
  192. m.handleScriptExecuted(msg)
  193. case errorMsg:
  194. m.handleError(msg)
  195. m.state = ErrorState
  196. }
  197. cmds = m.handleState(msg, cmds)
  198. return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
  199. }
  200. func (m *SessionModel) View() string {
  201. return m.document.View()
  202. }
  203. func (m *SessionModel) executeScript(path string) tea.Cmd {
  204. return func() tea.Msg {
  205. if m.scriptFilePath == "" {
  206. return nil
  207. }
  208. sessionJson, err := json.Marshal(models.Session{Exams: map[string]*models.Exam{}})
  209. if err != nil {
  210. panic(err)
  211. }
  212. script, err := os.ReadFile(m.scriptFilePath)
  213. if err != nil {
  214. return errorMsg{err}
  215. }
  216. s := tengo.NewScript(script)
  217. s.SetImports(stdlib.GetModuleMap("fmt", "json"))
  218. _ = s.Add("input", m.InputJson)
  219. _ = s.Add("output", string(sessionJson))
  220. // compile the source
  221. c, err := s.Compile()
  222. if err != nil {
  223. return errorMsg{err}
  224. }
  225. if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
  226. return errorMsg{err}
  227. }
  228. return scriptExecutedMsg{fmt.Sprintf("%s", c.Get("output"))}
  229. }
  230. }
  231. func (m *SessionModel) marshalJSON() {
  232. var result interface{}
  233. err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.FilteredJson), &result)
  234. if err != nil {
  235. panic(err)
  236. }
  237. resultJson, err := json.Marshal(result)
  238. if err != nil {
  239. panic(err)
  240. }
  241. m.Result = string(resultJson)
  242. }
  243. func (m *SessionModel) showErrorOnStatusBar(err error) {
  244. m.statusBar.SetContent(
  245. stateFormats[ErrorState][0],
  246. fmt.Sprintf(stateFormats[ErrorState][1], err),
  247. stateFormats[ErrorState][2],
  248. )
  249. }
  250. func (m *SessionModel) updateTableContent(session *models.Session) {
  251. rows := make([]btTable.Row, 0)
  252. for token, exam := range session.Exams {
  253. rows = append(rows, btTable.Row{
  254. token,
  255. exam.Participant.Lastname,
  256. exam.Participant.Firstname,
  257. exam.Participant.Attributes.Get("class"),
  258. })
  259. }
  260. m.table.SetRows(rows)
  261. }
  262. func (m *SessionModel) updateViewportContent(session *models.Session) {
  263. currentToken := m.table.SelectedRow()[0]
  264. currentExam := session.Exams[currentToken]
  265. if currentExam == nil {
  266. panic("Current token is not associate to any exam")
  267. }
  268. md, err := currentExam.ToMarkdown()
  269. if err != nil {
  270. m.showErrorOnStatusBar(err)
  271. }
  272. result, err := m.mdRenderer.Render(md)
  273. if err != nil {
  274. m.showErrorOnStatusBar(err)
  275. }
  276. m.viewport.SetContent(result)
  277. }
  278. func (m *SessionModel) createMDRenderer(width int) *glamour.TermRenderer {
  279. renderer, err := glamour.NewTermRenderer(
  280. glamour.WithStandardStyle("dracula"),
  281. glamour.WithWordWrap(m.viewport.GetWidth()),
  282. )
  283. if err != nil {
  284. panic(err)
  285. }
  286. return renderer
  287. }
  288. func (m *SessionModel) handleWindowSize(msg tea.WindowSizeMsg) {
  289., msg.Height)
  290. m.document.SetSize(msg.Width, msg.Height)
  291. m.mdRenderer = m.createMDRenderer(msg.Width)
  292. }
  293. func (m *SessionModel) handleError(msg tea.Msg) {
  294. err := msg.(errorMsg)
  295. m.statusBar.SetContent(
  296. stateFormats[ErrorState][0],
  297. fmt.Sprintf(stateFormats[ErrorState][1], err.error),
  298. stateFormats[ErrorState][2],
  299. )
  300. }
  301. func (m *SessionModel) handleScriptExecuted(msg tea.Msg) {
  302. session := new(models.Session)
  303. jsonData := []byte(msg.(scriptExecutedMsg).result)
  304. err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &session)
  305. if err != nil {
  306. panic(err)
  307. }
  308. m.session = session
  309. m.updateTableContent(session)
  310. m.updateViewportContent(session)
  311. m.state = BrowseState
  312. }
  313. func (m *SessionModel) handleStoreLoaded(msg tea.Msg) tea.Cmd {
  314. storeMsg := msg.(storeLoadedMsg)
  315. =
  316. return m.executeScript(m.scriptFilePath)
  317. }
  318. func (m *SessionModel) handleState(msg tea.Msg, cmds []tea.Cmd) []tea.Cmd {
  319. _, cmd :=
  320. if m.state == LoadingStoreState {
  321. return m.updateSpinner(msg, cmd, cmds)
  322. }
  323. if m.state == BrowseState {
  324. m.updateViewportContent(m.session)
  325. }
  326. cmds = append(cmds, cmd /*, m.query(m.textInput.Value())*/)
  327. if m.state != ErrorState {
  328. m.statusBar.SetContent(stateFormats[BrowseState]...)
  329. }
  330. return cmds
  331. }
  332. func (m *SessionModel) updateSpinner(msg tea.Msg, cmd tea.Cmd, cmds []tea.Cmd) []tea.Cmd {
  333. m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
  334. m.statusBar.SetContent(fmt.Sprintf(stateFormats[m.state][0], m.spinner.View()), stateFormats[m.state][1], stateFormats[m.state][2])
  335. cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
  336. return cmds
  337. }
  338. func (m *SessionModel) loadStore() tea.Cmd {
  339. return func() tea.Msg {
  340. sStore, err := file.NewDefaultSessionFileStore()
  341. if err != nil {
  342. return errorMsg{err}
  343. }
  344. return storeLoadedMsg{sStore}
  345. }
  346. }
  347. func toColoredJson(data []any) (string, error) {
  348. result, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
  349. if err != nil {
  350. return "", err
  351. }
  352. coloredBytes := make([]byte, 0)
  353. buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(coloredBytes)
  354. err = quick.Highlight(buffer, string(result), "json", "terminal16m", "dracula")
  355. if err != nil {
  356. panic(err)
  357. }
  358. return sanitize(buffer.String()), nil
  359. }
  360. func toJson(data []any) (string, error) {
  361. result, err := json.Marshal(data)
  362. if err != nil {
  363. return "", err
  364. }
  365. return string(result), nil
  366. }
  367. func sanitize(text string) string {
  368. // FIXME: The use of a standard '-' character causes rendering
  369. // issues within the viewport. Further investigation is
  370. // required to resolve this problem.
  371. return strings.Replace(text, "-", "–", -1)
  372. }