143 lines
4.5 KiB
143 lines
4.5 KiB
const DOOR_FILE = 'door.svg';
let app = document.querySelector('#app');
* An array representing a collection of monsters, each with unique
* identifiers, alt image descriptions, and visibility states.
* @type {Array.<{id: string, alt: string, hidden: boolean}>}
let state = [
{id: "monster1", alt: "A yellow monster that seems like an elephant.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster2", alt: "A yellow monster with a large head.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster3", alt: "A green monster that seems like a carnivorous plant.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster4", alt: "A red monster with four hands.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster5", alt: "A green monster that seems sad.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster6", alt: "A green monster with a triangular form.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster7", alt: "A purple monster with tentacles.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster8", alt: "A purple monster with no legs.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster9", alt: "A blue monster that seems like a chicken.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster10", alt: "A blue monster with two eyes at different heights.", hidden: true},
{id: "monster11", alt: "A big grey monster.", hidden: true},
{id: "sock", alt: "A pair of socks.", hidden: true}
let scoreEl = document.querySelector('div#score p strong');
let monsterImgTmpl = function (monster, index) {
return `
<img aria-live="polite"
${index === undefined ? 'class="grid"' : ''}
src="${monster.hidden ? DOOR_FILE : monster.id+'.svg'}"
alt="${monster.hidden ? `A closed door, index ${index+1}` : monster.alt}" />
let monsterBtnTmpl = function (monster, index) {
return `
<button aria-live="polite" data-index="${index}" class="grid" aria-live="polite">
${monsterImgTmpl(monster, index)}
let gridTmpl = function (monsters, gameover) {
return `
<div class="row">
${monsters.map(function (monster, index) {
return gameover ? monsterImgTmpl(monster) : monsterBtnTmpl(monster, index);
* Randomly shuffle an array
* https://stackoverflow.com/a/2450976/1293256
* @param {Array} array The array to shuffle
* @return {String} The first item in the shuffled array
function shuffle (array) {
let currentIndex = array.length;
let temporaryValue, randomIndex;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
* Calculates the score based on the visibility state of items.
* Iterates over the `state` array and increments the score for each
* item that is not hidden.
* @param {Array} state - An array of objects where each object
* represents a monster. Each item should have a property named
* `hidden` which indicates whether the monster is hidden behind a
* door (`true`) or visible (`false`).
* @returns {number} The total score calculated based on the
* visibility of the monsters in the `state` array.
function calcScore() {
return state.reduce( function (sum, current) {
if (!current.hidden) {
return sum+1;
return sum;
}, 0);
window.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (event.target.matches('button.grid') || event.target.matches('img')) {
let button = event.target.closest('button');
if (!button) return;
let monster = state[button.getAttribute('data-index')];
if (monster.id === 'sock') {
state = state.map( function (el) { el.hidden = false; return el; });
app.innerHTML = gridTmpl(state, true);
let controls = document.querySelector('#controls');
let tryAgainBtn = document.createElement('button');
tryAgainBtn.type = 'button';
tryAgainBtn.innerText = 'Try again!';
tryAgainBtn.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
state = state.map(function (el) { el.hidden = true; return el;})
scoreEl.textContent = calcScore(state);
app.innerHTML = gridTmpl(shuffle(state));
monster.hidden = false;
button.outerHTML = monsterImgTmpl(monster);
scoreEl.textContent = calcScore(state);
app.innerHTML = gridTmpl(shuffle(state));